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Save and Load

DUGController has a lot of methodes to handle save load and so on.
But DUNILOG only saves its inner status.
So you have to take care yourself about your visuals and game variable.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class DUGSaveLoadGUIExample : MonoBehaviour {
private DUGDataNode mCurrentNode;
private List<string> mListSaveGames;
void Start()
DUGController.Init( gameObject.GetComponent<DUGModel>() );
mListSaveGames = DUGController.storage.GetListSaveGameNames();
void OnGUI()
if( mCurrentNode == null ) {
foreach( string name in mListSaveGames ) {
if( GUILayout.Button( name ) ) {
mCurrentNode = DUGController.storage.Load( l );
} else {
// Draw your player
See Also